Esteban's blog 2

 Hello Everyone 👋

In this blog you will see the progress and the topics that we have worked on during the classes.

Hello, I introduce myself, I am Esteban Oñate, I am a Systems Engineering student, fortunately thanks to my development I was able to advance to the English 2 course :D.

During these weeks we have worked on different things such as the correct use of Can't, Can, Have to and Has to.

Have and Has...

It is important to know when to use the Have and Has, for the Have we are going to use it when we are using the I, You, We and They.
And for the Has we are going to use it with He, She and It.(But when it is a negation we are going to use the Key with all the subjects).

Like this example.

Can and Can't...

First of all, we are only going to use Can't when we are denying something,(Can)It is used to speak, to ask for permission, for a request, for a possibility, the can can be used with any subject, but it must be with a main verb.

With this photo you can help us more, because it explains the correct use for each situation


In class they explain some spelling to us, such as when we are going to conjugate the (walk) in the 3rd person (She, he and It) we are going to add an S at the end.

SINGULAR(Only in 3rd Person)
She Walks|
He  Walks|
It    Walks|           SPELLING
Push--> Pushes
Teach--> Teaches
Kiss--> Kisses
Fix--> Fixes

Was Were...

During this week we learn the use of was were, for example we learned that the Was we use it with She, He and itEXAMPLES
Affirmative: I was tried
Negative: She wasn't ready
Interrogative:Was it ready?
Short Answer:Yes, I was OR No, it wasn't

Another example but using it with the to be.
 °Were the musicians at the concert famous?
 °Was your brothers train very late?

during this week, we have learned about regular verbs, irregular verbs

An irregular verb is a verb that has particular conjugations, depending on the tense or mode in which it is conjugated. For example

They are those that can be conjugated without modifying the root. When conjugated in the present or future they do not suffer alterations. Example.

Start - Started
Drop - Dropped
Surrender - Surrendered
Conquer - Conquered

Clothes in English can be divided into several categories based on the part of the body they cover. Some examples are:

  • Shirts: camisas
  • T-shirts: camisetas
  • Sweaters: suéteres
  • Jackets: chaquetas
  • Coats: abrigos
  • Pants/Trousers: pantalones
  • Shorts: pantalones cortos
  • Skirts: faldas
  • Dresses: vestidos
    This is a magic t-shirt

Shoes - Zapatos

  • Sneakers: zapatillas deportivas
  • Boots: botas
  • Sandals: sandalias
  • Flats: zapatos planos
  • Heels: tacones
    This is a beautiful shoe

Types of pants 

  • Dress pants: pantalones de vestir  
  • Shorts: pantalones cortos
  • Sweatpants: pantalones deportivos 
 Jeans: pantalones vaqueros
These sweatpants are a bit explosive
 1) Comparative adjetives  2) Irregular comparatives  3) locations and directions
  •  1.  1.Comparative adjectives: Los adjetivos comparativos se utilizan para comparar dos cosas.Para formar el comparativo de un adjetivo, se añade "-er" al final del adjetivo. For example, "tall" se convierte en "taller". Para adjetivos de dos o más sílabas, se utiliza "more" primero que el adjetivo. Example, "beautiful" seria "more beautiful"
  •        2. Irregular comparatives: Algunos adjetivos comparativos tienen formas irregulares en inglés. Example, "good" se convierte en "better", "bad" seria "worse", "far" se convierte en "further" o "farther". Es importante saber esas reglas para utilizarlas correctamente.
  •       3. Interior locations and directions: Para describir una dirección dentro de un lugar(cerrado), se utilizan preposiciones específicas. Example, "in" se utiliza para describir la ubicación dentro de un espacio cerrado, como en un cuarto. "On" se utiliza para describir la ubicación en una superficie, como un escritorio. "At" se utiliza para describir la ubicación en un lugar específico, como una dirección. Para describir la dirección, se utilizan palabras como "left", "right", "up", "down" y "around". Por ejemplo, "Go down the hall and turn left at the end"( Baja por el pasillo y gira a la izquierda al final).

Theme 1: "Should" and "Could"

"Should": Advice, moral obligations, hypothetical situations.

Example"You should study for the exam" (Deberías estudiar para el examen).

"Could": Past/present abilities, polite requests, conditional possibilities.

Example: "She could swim when she was five years old" (Ella sabía nadar cuando tenía cinco años).

Theme 2: Vocabulary of travel services

Airline: Aerolínea.

Flight: Vuelo.

Departure: Salida.

Arrival: Llegada.

Boarding pass: Tarjeta de embarque.

Baggage: Equipaje.

Customs: Aduanas.

Passport: Pasaporte.

Hotel: Hotel.

Reservation: Reserva.


Too and Enough

"Too" indica exceso, mientras que "enough" indica suficiencia.

1. "Too"

- Indica que algo excede un límite deseado.

- Ejemplo: "It's too hot." (Hace demasiado calor.)

2. "Enough"

- Indica que hay una cantidad adecuada.

- Ejemplo: "I have enough money." (Tengo suficiente dinero.)


3. Uso conjunto:

- Pueden usarse juntos para hacer comparaciones.

- Ejemplo: "The coffee is too hot for me, but just right for him."


Dominar el uso de "too" y "enough" es clave para expresar cantidades con precisión.
